不辱使命 不负重托 承前启后 继往开来
中外新闻社总编辑 韦 燕
Time comes to this special day: the 100th issue of Home and Abroad News Press. “Deep appreciation and great achievement for the 100th issues”, Home and Abroad News magazine has been growing in the past 17 years, and now it will be publishing the 100th issue as a remarkable and memorial milestone. One magazine and one hundred issues, this result is a hard-won but outstanding achievement. On the behalf of all staffs of Home and Abroad News Press, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all parties and international friends for their concern and support over the years! We also wish to send our greatest respect to our readers at home and abroad!
100-issue Home and Abroad News magazine took unique views as the overseas media to report and record many important events in China and around the world and attracted a lot of attentions at home and abroad. The 100th issue: we have witnessed the development progress of China and profound changes of the world; the 100th issue: we have taken our great social responsibility during the everchanging international environment; the 100th issue: we are still confidently moving forward as a pioneer in the media sector.
2009年7月17日,澳大利亚新南威尔士州议员戴维·威力(David Weiley),澳大利亚维多利亚州政府处长何杰(Jay Haugh),澳大利亚悉尼中心城市—宝活市副市长梁瀚升(Henson Liang)和中外新闻社总裁韦燕等在悉尼市为“中外新闻社澳大利亚分社悉尼新闻中心”揭牌
Home and Abroad News magazine is a well-known news magazine in the international community. With the development progress of Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, it has been publishing bimonthly magazines for the past 17 years. 17 years ago, Home and Abroad News magazine was like a newborn seedling. With care and support from all levels, the magazine has gone through ups and downs and sharpened years, and now the 100th issue proves that the media have grown as a big tree. It is worthy to mention that Home and Abroad News magazine won the award for “Outstanding Media” at the 17th World Media Expo in Tehran, Iran on November 1st, 2010.
In the 17 years of hardship, Home and Abroad News magazine always upheldits own purposes of running the media, strived for positive results, eliminatednegativity and untruthful facts. We produced and compiled many thought-provoking and inspiring articles, special editions and valuable photos which attracted significant attentions from foreign embassies of various countries in China. It created a great international impact with tremendous vitality in keeping pace with the times. The magazine has been widely recognized by all social levels and large group of readers. Today's Home and Abroad News Press is deeply rooted in the field of international media with its unique characteristics and strong vitality to promote Hong Kong’s prosperity, stability and development, the exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland as well as spreading Chinese culture around the world.
The success of Home and Abroad News Press is built on innovative business model, top-performance talented employees, exploratory encouragement and systematic management. In the occasion of the 100th issue, we grew from a small company to an international corporation who owns and operates more than56global branches and information centers, including U.S.A, Canada, Finland, France, U.K., Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries. In those countries, our works and contributions were greatly appreciated by the local governments and communities.
“现在西方国家无法听到中国的声音,你们中国人一直谴责西方媒体对西藏、钓鱼岛等不实的报道,可是 “实”的报道在哪里?西方国家看不到……”2013年9月20日,美国蒙纳瑞克斯好莱坞电影公司总裁克里斯蒂•里比拜会《中外新闻》北京驻地、与中外新闻社总裁韦燕交流时谈到。此言一出韦燕表示,将下决心利用中外新闻社的资源和优势给里比先生在中国乃至世界拍摄纪录片提供强有力支持,共同向西方世界展示和宣传一个真实的中国,共同打造两国在文化、新闻纪录片等领域的合作平台。
“Nowadays, the Western countries cannot hear the voice from China. Chinese people have always condemned the western media's false reports and statements on Tibet and the Diaoyu Islands issues; however, where are the ‘true’reports with facts?The Western countries cannot see……” Mr. ChrisNebe, the President of Monarex Hollywood Corporation, paid a visit to Home and Abroad News Press Beijing office and exchanged views with Mrs. Wei Yan, the President of Home and Abroad News Press, on September 20th, 2013. After hearing his saying, Mrs. Wei determined her mind to use the resources and advantages of Home and Abroad News Press to support Mr. Nebe’s documentary filmmaking in China and around the world. As a result, we could show a real China to the Western world and work together to build a cooperation platformfor cultural, news documentary and other exchanges between China and the United States.
Nebe’s documentary film “Diaoyu Islands - The Truth”contains a large number of historical facts to strongly criticize Japan's five untruthful statements about the Diaoyu Island issue. To support this documentary film, Home and Abroad News played a promoter role to set up dialogues between Chinese Central Propaganda Department leaders and Mr. Chris Nebe and promote the film with many Chinese party media. On March 23rd, as a special supporting media, Home and Abroad News successfully held a press conference on “Diaoyu Islands - The Truth”film in Diaoyutai Hotel Beijing.
Monarex Hollywood Corporationand its documentary film “Diaoyu Islands - The Truth”received positive feedbacks from the United States and the international community. Mr. Wei Yansaid that Home and Abroad News Press will always support and assist Mr. Nebeto let the American public and the international community understand the history of the Diaoyu Islands and restore the true colors of history.
U.S.AMonarex Hollywood Corporationand Home and Abroad News Press also signed a memorandum of cooperation. This partnership has been highly praised by Chinese media.
Since the first issue of Home and Abroad News magazine, the media actively participants various events on the international stage. Our reporters visited 87 countries and regions, including the U.S.A, Japan, Canada, Germany, Singapore, and had exclusive interviews with many important political leaders, including 23 heads of states, Presidents, Prime Ministers and Kings, as well as more than 109 city mayors and 102 ministers and overseas Chinese leaders.
On the International stage, Home and Abroad News Press is considered as a role model in the print media industry. June 2006, Vancouver Canada, Home and Abroad News Press was officially designated as “The External Promotion Mainstream Media” for three United Nations originations, the United Nations North-North Network, the United Nations Urban Management Best Practices Steering Committee and the United Nations International Ecological Security Organization. This significant move was achieved with the direct supports and assistance from the State Liaison Office in Hong Kong and the State Council Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office.
中宣部出版局副局长张凡、中外新闻社总裁韦燕及阿尔及利亚驻华使馆大使哈桑纳•拉贝希、卢旺达驻华大使弗朗索瓦•恩加兰贝(夫人)、立陶宛驻华大使丽娜•安塔纳维切涅、卡塔尔驻华大使哈马德•阿勒哈利发、孟加拉驻华大使孟什•法亚兹•艾哈麦德、厄瓜多尔驻华大使莱昂纳多•阿里萨加、塞尔维亚驻华大使米奥米尔•乌多维契基、匈牙利驻华使馆大使库绍伊 • 山多尔等8国驻华大使3月9日在北京为中外新闻网开通推杆祝贺
2010年5月20日,中外新闻社收到从台北发来函件:台当局 “行政院新闻局”〔新联二字第0990820192号〕文批准:同意登记中外新闻社驻台记者采访……至此,中外新闻社台湾分社获得了批准。我们又一次承载着时代赋予的神圣使命,肩负着两岸人民的重托,以饱满的政治热情、高度的责任感和良好的工作作风履行职责。
May 20th, 2010, Home and Abroad News Press received a special letter from Taipei. Taiwan “Administration Ministry Information Bureau” officially approved on opening the Reporter Office of Home and Abroad News Press in Taiwan. This is the official approval to have the Taiwan Branch in Home and Abroad News Press family. We, again, feel more responsibilities and expectations from the governments and people across the strait. We will make our goals higher with our passion in harmonious political relations, dedications and great work ethics for building a closer cooperative relationship between Mainland and Taiwan.
《中外新闻》创刊至今,先后与加拿大《大中报》、加拿大《星星生活周刊》、芬兰《经济生活周刊》、美国《中美邮报》、伊朗最大的报业集团—古都斯日报等主流媒体签署了“合作备忘录”。2011年5月6日,国务院港澳办“港审联字 [2011] 537号”文批准中外新闻社在北京设立“中外新闻社北京记者站”。
Since 2001, Home and Abroad News Pres signed a series of “Memorandum of Understandings” agreements with Canada “Chinese News”, Canada “Star Weekly”, Finland “Economic Life Weekly”, U.S.A “Chinese American Post”, Iran's largest newspaper Quds Dailyand many other media from different countries and regions.On May 6th, 2011, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Councilofficially approved on opening the “Home and Abroad News Press Beijing Office” in Beijing.
2013年9月20日,美国蒙纳瑞克斯好莱坞电影公司总裁克里斯蒂·里比(Chris D. NeBe)2013年9月22日与中外新闻社总裁韦燕签署战略合作备忘录
Home and Abroad News Press also set a great example in international charity act. March 11th, 2008, southern China suffered serious snow storms. Our Vancouver Branch in Canada immediately sent a disaster relief team with the Lion Club of Richmond City to the affected areas in China. This noble action was highly appreciated by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. He personally sent off the team and asked the team to deliver his regards to people in the disaster.
2014年5月20日,中外新闻社美国洛杉矶新闻中心正式挂牌,美国安吉米勒公司总裁Andrea S. Miller担任中外新闻社洛杉矶新闻中心主任一职
2007年11月,中外新闻社组织 “中柬友谊慈善行”代表团访问柬埔寨,带去3000套校服及210台电子学习机等物品,帮助柬埔寨国家的贫困小学生完成学业和享有平等的学习生活环境及接受教育的机会, 11月4日,西哈莫尼陛下在王宫会见了代表团一行,并给代表团团长颁发了 “皇家勋章” ,给代表团成员颁发了 “皇家慈善证书”。
November 2007, Home and Aboard News Press donated 3,000 school uniforms and 210 student computers to Cambodian schools to help the local poverty children with their education. This project not only offered great assistance to the local people but also spread the harmonious concept to foreign countries. To recognize this charity act, Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni personally welcomed our delegation in the Royal Palace and awarded the “Royal Medal” to the leader of the delegation and the “Royal Charity Honor Certificates” to all delegation members.
2016年9月3日,中外新闻社 中外新闻网G20杭州峰会记者韦燕、刘登臣、郭智勇、廖仲新、魏炯才在前方现场采访
2008年8月4日,中外新闻社携手赛琪(中国)体育用品有限公司赞助北京奥运会莫桑比克体育代表团运动装备。莫桑比克共和国位于非洲东南部,连年的战乱和自然灾害,使这个国家满目疮痍,但莫桑比克人以其对奥运的执著追求,实践着 “更快、更高、更强”的奥运精神令人感动。2010年8月,我们在新加坡再次赞助莫桑比克代表团参加世界首届青年奥运会、新德里英联邦运动会、世界游泳锦标赛运动装备。我们给莫桑比克伸出的是友谊之手、发出的是和谐之音、唱响的是和平之歌……
August 4th, 2008, Home and Abroad News Press and Saiqi (China) Sports Company jointly sponsored the Mozambique National Olympic Delegation in Macao. Mozambique is located in Southeast Africa and suffered in wars and natural disasters for many years. Great hardship is on people’s living and the national economy. This Olympic sponsorship truly inspired this undeveloped country because the Mozambique people always hold their spiritual pursue for “Faster, Higher and Stronger” in Olympics. August 2010, we sponsored the Mozambique National Olympic Team again in Singapore for the First World Youth Olympic Games, New Delhi Commonwealth Games and the World Swimming Championships. Home and Abroad News Press again delivered peace and friendship, created a harmonious note to our friends in the international community.
2010年7月22日-23日,我们带领中外新闻社上海世博会小记者团采访世博会,在联合国馆采访的时,非洲儿童生活状况给小记者们留下深刻的印象,于是我们以 “爱心、智慧、友谊、和谐”为主题,举办向非洲儿童传递爱心活动,每一位小记者给一位非洲儿童写一封短信,鼓励他们积极的面对生活,努力学习,热爱自己的国家,同时随信件向非洲儿童提供学费、生活费和医疗费用100-300美元不等,上海世博会联合国馆总代表阿瓦尼•贝楠在现埸,亲身感受到小记者对世界的关注,对非洲儿童的关爱,从中国儿童身上感受到一个世界大国所具有的国际社会责任。
July 22ndto 23rd 2010, Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation visited the Shanghai World Expo Park. When visiting the United Nations Pavilion, the living conditions of the children in Africa have left a deep impression to all junior journalists. Therefore, we made a special program, called "Love, Wisdom, Friendship and Harmony", to send our care and love to those African children. Home and Abroad News Press encouraged all junior journalists to write letters to their one-to-one fellow African friends and make donations to help them with tuitions, living expenses and medical needs. The Chief Representative of the United Nation Pavilion Dr. Awni Behnam participated in the program and deeply felt the junior journalists’ care for African children. Chinese children really showed the great social responsibility of being a big country in the international community.
We will never forget the hard work we made to promote “One Country, Two Systems” policy in Hong Kong to help stabilizing the transition and promoting prosperity. We will also never forget we come to Beijing every year during the cold winter periods to cover the National Congress and deliver the latest policy updates from the center of China. We will also never forget we always try our best to create peace and harmony on the global stage.
我们可以骄傲的展示:100期,我们收获了诸多的荣誉: 我们的总编辑获得了柬埔寨国王陛下在王宫颁发的“皇家勋章”、十七届国际媒体展总统奖、两岸四地推动文化传媒交流奖。100期,我们书写了世界和谐的篇章:我们是第一个大规模地组织小记者给非洲儿童写信和捐助款项;我们是第一个在国际媒体展倡议“推行新闻外交、推进世界和平”的新闻媒体;我们是第一个获得联合国机构指定的对外宣传主流媒体;我们是第一个以新闻媒体名义携手企业赞助北京奥运会一国家代表团运动装备……
We are proud of the great achievements marked as the 100th issue.We have gained a lot of honor: our chief editor received the “Royal Medal” from King of Cambodia at its royal palace, the President Award from the 17th Iran International Media Expo, the Promoting Culture and Media Award for Cross-Strait Exchanges. In the 100 issues, we wrote many harmonious notes to the world: the first organizer for organizing and collecting donations from junior journalists to support African children, the first media company initiating “News Diplomacy for Promoting World Peace” campaign in the International Media Expo, the first Chinese magazine designated as the “Mainstream Media” for external promotion for the United Nations organizations, and the first Chinese media cosponsored foreign Olympic delegation to Beijing Olympic Games and other international sports competitions and events….
The Romanian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Viorel Isticioaia Budura said that I am very pleased to express my respect and congratulations to Home and Abroad News Press for its anniversary milestone. This magazine is an impressive and trustworthy media. With its hard working and efficient team, the magazine has achieved today’s important position. Please accept my deep blessings and warm wishes for its remarkable success.
The Iranian Ambassador to China, H.E Mr. Javad Mansouri expressed that Home and Abroad News Press delivers the true voices to the world and lead by example for promoting world peace and global development. I sincerely wish that Home and Abroad News Press will continue to maintain in its leadership in the international media sector and continue to promote friendly relations between Iran and China. Home and Abroad News Press is always a good friend to all Iranian people ...
There is a dream for you to pursue, and that is the glory of life. There is a great desire for you to contribute, and that is the successful experience in life. When we look back the 100 issues of our magazine, we have done more than just a normal print media; we created harmony to the world and became the channel to deliver peace and prosperity. “News Diplomacy for Promoting World Peace” will always be the theme of Home and Abroad News Press development strategy.
When we are proud of our brilliant achievements, we will not forget the hard work we made with our passion and endless energy to make this magazine as one of the best. Today, we are still thinking how to utilize more with our resources and talented team, to innovate our growth ideas, to explore more development opportunities with globalization visions, and to cooperate with our diplomatic resources to promote media cooperation between China and foreign countries.
Many days and nights, we experienced unforgettable challenges and hardships; many times, we enjoyed the glory and happiness from our success. In the Pearl of Asia, Home and Abroad News Press added another brilliant star to Hong Kong’s beautiful sky.
“100期”的拼搏和努力, “100期”的光荣与梦想,都成为一种坚持、一种鼓舞、一种责任。
“100th issue magazine” contains efforts, hardwork, glory and dreams! Everything comes together and becomes our strength, persistence, inspiration and responsibility.
茫茫人海--或许你正是《中外新闻》报道的主角;人生舞台---或许你就是《中外新闻》忠实的读者。“100期”:我们不曾分开; “100期”:我们携手共进,时光如水,岁月如歌,走过风雨历程,相聚欢乐时刻……
Maybe you are one of the main characters in our reports, maybe you are one of our loyal readers. In the 100 issues of Home and Abroad News magazine, we are never separated; for the past 17 years, we always walked together hand-in-hand, shoulder-by-shoulder. We shared joy and tears, but we are still beside each other.
Great responsibility demands great efforts and dedication. We will uphold the expectations from our readers at home and abroad, we will continue our journey with our country. Starting from the 101st issue, we will continue carrying on our mission and never forget our responsibility to help the great motherland to realize our “China Dreams” in the bright future.














